Impossibly High Beauty Standards Are Ruining My Self Esteem

Impossibly High Beauty Standards Are Ruining My Self Esteem In my excitement, I whipped out my iPhone for a photo opportunity the moment I got into my car after leaving the salon. I placed one hand on the steering wheel of my Volkswagen and used the other hand to take the photo. Then I looked […]


Beauty is Gene Deep but give me those little imperfections

Q. Why do pretty people get away with murder? A. Preservation of the species. Huh? How could those two ideas possibly be connected? They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That’s partially true, but the symmetrical face with a particular set of characteristics such as how wide apart the eyes are and […]


Korean Beauty Standards, My Mom, and Me

One evening when I was about 10 years old, I found my mom sitting cross-legged on the living room floor by a lamp. She was gazing at herself in a hand mirror, and an open rectangular box wrapped in red satin with Korean writing on the lid sat nearby. As I got closer, I noticed […]

Battlefield 2042: Prepárate para el evento Directriz Arkangel

El equipo detrás de Battlefield 2042 hoy ha revelado el nuevo evento de temporada, Directriz Arkangel, tendrá una duración de dos semanas, desde el 11 de julio hasta el 25 de julio. Directriz Arkangel presenta a dos facciones dedicadas a las tecnologías robóticas y de IA más avanzadas de la Tierra enzarzadas en un duro […]

Habbo: Corea del Sur será la gran protagonista del mes de junio

Sulake ha anunciado que Corea del Sur va a ser la gran protagonista de Habbo en el mes de junio con nuevos contenidos temáticos. Los nuevos muebles incluyen platos tradicionales coreanos, trajes de ídolos del K-Pop y productos culturales de los fans. El evento también incluye una nueva ubicación, los Apartamentos de Seúl, que es […]


Joy is a Net of Love by Which You Can Catch Souls

My first reaction is what beauty? I’ve definitely crossed over to the invisible side. I rather prefer it that way… My whole life my weight has fluctuated quite a bit and my self-image with it. When I’ve been fat, I’ve been ugly — at least in my mind. I noticed that the more weight I gained, the […]


Every Next Level of Your Life Will Demand a Different You

We bumped along a rutted dirt road in a rented SUV, parking a quarter mile from the trailhead leading to the summit of Mount Democrat. The four of us hoisted backpacks stuffed with water, food, dry socks, and extra clothes onto our backs. The thin, 38-degree air nipped at exposed hands and faces. Winded by the […]


And a Lonely Stranger Has Spoke to Me Ever Since

When I saw the old man waiting by the pond with his camera my heart fractured a little along the fault lines, already weak, still vulnerable. He was counting on the cormorants, their wings spread wide, and waiting for the mating beavers, swooping under the surface, staying underwater longer than you’d think they could possibly […]


Is the Natural Hair Movement Coming to an End?

While watching some videos on Youtube one day, something off-topic came up on my ‘Auto-Play’ pane. A video titled ‘Dear Natural Hair Police’. Ironically, this video popped up as I was in the middle of my wash day (aka a drawn-out process in which I wash and style my hair). I didn’t want to touch my […]


Running Is More Than A Hobby — It’s A Friendship

I’ve been running regularly for almost 18 years. Before today, believe it or not, I’ve never actually reflected on this amount of time. It honestly took me by surprise. I began to think: what’s kept me interested all this time? Through injury and setback, trial and tribulation, success and accomplishment, why have I continued to […]

Nueva opción para personalizar la música ambiente de nuestra casa en WildStar

Jeff Kurtenacker, compositor de la banda sonora de WildStar, ha compartido recientemente un vídeo grabado por la comunidad WildStar Center en donde nos muestran una nueva opción de personalización para nuestro hogar en Nexus que pronto tendremos disponible en los servidores en vivo del juego. Esta nueva opción de personalización nos permitirá escoger entre algunas de las […]

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